the harvest is plenty but the laborers are few

Friday, October 1, 2010

I've been a busy girl...

SO, it would appear that I haven't posted in about OOOOOOOOOOO 3.5 months.  And you all missed A LOT.

So.  Here's the down low on the past 3 months.

We went camping.  Alone.  As in without Chris.  Just the kids and mommy and a bunch of other kids and their mommies.  Surprisingly, It was lovely.

We came home and I was exceedingly tired.


Not regular camping tired.

So I packed up the shorties and headed out to the local stuff marts and bought some stuff and some beer and some pregnancy tests...

...turns out I didn't need the beer...

...and I only needed 1 pregnancy test.

SO.  Baby Cole isn't the baby anymore...


Okay, so I'm still coming to grips with the whole "God doesn't make mistakes" thing and the whole "Babies are a blessing" stuff and the whole "Natural Family Planning really works" spiel.  But really, I'm excited.  I am!  And also?  I have exceedingly low Vitamin D and Vitamin B levels... really, I do. The Midwife told me so.  I even got a notice today...  in the mail... in case I forgot in my general state of BLAH.

Which I did. 

SO, then my baby Cole turned 1. 

And about a month later he started walking.

And a day later he started running...

And climbing...

And about 2 weeks ago, we started Kindergarten homeschooling.

And then 1.5 weeks ago, my husband left for 3 months of training in the Polygraphs. 

And a week ago, we started a lovely Kindergarten/PreK Waldorf-ish homeschool co-op group at my house.

And 4 days ago, I threw up while brushing my teeth.

And 2 days ago, I mopped my kitchen floor for the first time in 17 weeks.

And today, I found Baby Cole in the bathroom sink... still can't quite figure out the dynamics of THAT.

And just about 37 minutes ago, my dog got sprayed by a skunk. 

SO, that's what I've been doing. 

Want to know what I have NOT been doing?  Harvesting.  Canning.  Cooking in general.  Great blog name.  Betcha thought you were going to get all kinds of harvesting, canning and cooking in general information.  Heh.  Guess again.

How about you?  What have you been doing?


Pamela said...

oh dang.
(that's for the skunk.)

Kara said...

Yeah!!! You are back! AND, this is an official YEAH for the new little bean (or maybe s/he is an orange now). I'll see you tonight:)

Anonymous said...

Babies grow up fast. I love the idea of a co-op with a Waldorf approach.