the harvest is plenty but the laborers are few

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Someday When I'm Old and Gray

A week and a day ago my superhot husband and I celebrated our 7th year of wedded bliss.

Not 2 minutes ago I had my sweet little 4 year old, Annie snuggled up in my lap. 

Annie: "Mama, can I twy on yours wedding wing?"

Me:  Sure honeygirl.

And so, I slipped the ring off my finger that her father gave me almost 8 years ago.  And slipped it onto her little ring finger. 

And as it sat there on her tiny finger, it struck me.

Someday this little girl is going to be a big girl...

and then that big girl is going to be a teenager...

and then a young woman...

And someday a young man is going to slip a ring on her not so little anymore finger.  And ask her to marry him.  TO MARRY HIM!?  My little girl will be a young woman, who a young man asks to marry.   

And so I told Annie this. That one day a man would come who would love her and he would give her a pretty ring much like the one on her finger and he would ask her to marry him.  Just like her daddy asked me to marry him with that pretty ring. 

And it was then that I realized that THAT man...

THE MAN.  My daughter's future husband.

right now...


is a little boy. 

And I hope that his Mama and Daddy are teaching him to be a good man...

a pure man...

a man of God. 

And then I realized that I have to do something about this.  I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!!  I mean, my baby can not just marry ANYONE... what if... what if...  

Here's the thing...
I NEED to PRAY for these things. 

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 
~Matthew 7:7

Especially, if I want my girls to marry men who are as good and noble and trustworth and honest and Christ/family oriented as their father.  For I am blessed.  And I pray that they will be as well.

Pray for your children, and as was revealed to me today, pray for their spouses who are children right now too.

1 comment:

Amy said...

There will still be a few Duggar boys left after my girls get a couple...